Implications: An embedded feature of the ‘No Compromise’ framework is severe funding cuts.

As a result, the measures taken undermined future success. Results and findings: The results highlight that NGBs’ turnaround strategies were constrained by extreme funding dependency and a prohibitive institutional environment that led to states of flux and a focus on short-term operational survival. The actions of the NGBs were analysed through a thematic analysis that made use of Boyne’s 3 Rs of turnaround strategy. This was informed by 21 semistructured interviews with chief executives/presidents, performance managers/head coaches and elite athletes. Consequently, this paper examines two questions: how do NGBs respond to UK Sport funding cuts and how are their responses enabled or restricted by their organisational context? Research methods: A case study methodology was used to develop in-depth insights into how three NGBs responded over a 12-month period of turnaround management. Adept strategies during times of considerable challenge is stark, yet literature investigating turnaround management within NGBs remains limited. Research question: The severity and immediacy of funding cuts to UK National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs), driven by the ‘No Compromise’ policy framework for Olympic funding, triggers a cyclical need for turnaround management. Bostock, James, Crowther, Phil, Ridley-Duff, Rory and Breese, Richard